Sledding into the New Year

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Well, we brought in the New Year the old fashioned way – we went sledding!

We had a blast, Ryan, Harley and I. I even managed to go down the hill a time or two. Granted, I didn’t get to see much of the trip, but Ryan was able to get one shot of me.

Harley had started out in my lap for most of the trip, but when I got really out of control, I let go of him. Good thing too, because I ended up on my belly in the snow! 🙂
We’ve had plenty of snow and icicles here lately, even been snowed in a time or two.

Let’s see, can I remember December…….

Well, December 2 I drove Ryan to KS for his holiday visit with his dad. While he was gone, I worked my regular nanny job and also helped out my nursing agency by taking on a few CNA shifts.

Vance, my dh finished his bachelor’s degree,
so we went out to dinner to celebrate.

Right after that, I went to the Christmas program put on by the children I had taught in a multi-age preschool for 2 years. It was wonderful! The very next day, Dec. 16, I drove to KS again, to pick Ryan up and bring him home! 🙂

Then, the real fun began!

Sun Dec 17 – shopping, libraries to get videos for…..
Mon Dec 18 – Ryan had his tonsils and adenoids removed
Tue Dec 19 – Vance had back surgery (triple laminotomy and discectomy)
Wed Dec 20-Fri Dec 22 – I got snowed in at work by the infamous Holiday Blizzard!

Luckily, my employer was able to drive me home. We shoveled the driveway and a path to the road and he was able to drive me home on Friday afternoon. Ryan was a huge help in taking care of Vance, he always is! He has such a servant’s heart!

I was also blessed with having paid vacation from the time I got home until Wed Jan 3, 2007! Woohoo! Good thing, too, cuz we had another snowstorm the very next week!

We had a nice Christmas, had a friend over for dinner. We managed to get back up to my employer’s house to retrieve my car the day before the second snowstorm. Also got in more shopping! Then, we had more snow just this past week and are expecting more again next weekend! The snow from the blizzard never fully melted before we got pounded the 2nd time. The roads were still a mess. Luckily by the 3rd snow most for the roads were clear so all we had to deal with was the new snow.

Like I said up top, we rang in the New Year by going sledding and hurting our tailbones! Both of us! Mine is still giving me fits, as I’ve just learned I have arthritis in my spine (apparently hereditary). I will see my PCP tomorrow to see what we are going to do about that. Right now it’s Motrin, heat, and light exercise, whatever I can tolerate. Feel free to send me suggestions. I have to ask my PCP if I can take MSM, glucosamine or chondriotin because of other meds I’m on. I don’t like the idea of acupuncture besides which my healthcare is all VA and I don’t think they are that progressive yet. 🙂