Thoughts on being a veteran….

Sheri L Waddell       1 Comment on Thoughts on being a veteran….

A mother asked a President …

“Why did my son have to die in Iraq?”

A mother asked a President …

“Why did my son have to die in Saudi Arabia?”

A mother asked a President …

“Why did my son have to die in Kuwait?”

Another mother asked a President …

“Why did my son have to die in Vietnam?”

Another mother asked a President …

“Why did my son have to die in Korea?”

Another mother asked a President …

“Why did my son have to die on Iwo Jima?”

Another mother asked a President …

“Why did my son have to die on a battlefield in France?”

Yet another mother asked a President …

“Why did my son have to die at Gettysburg?”

And yet another mother asked a President …

“Why did my son have to die on a frozen field near Valley Forge?”

Then long, long ago, a mother asked…

“Heavenly Father ..
why did my Son have to die on a cross outside of Jerusalem ?”

The answer is the same ..
“So that others may have life and dwell
in peace, happiness, and freedom.”
This was emailed to me with no author.
I thought the magnitude and the simplicity were awesome.



1 thought on “Thoughts on being a veteran….

  1. Ian

    Hi, Sheri,

    I have nothing against your American soldiers in general. However, the invasion of Iraq was a terrible mistake. As I was urging my American Christian friends back before the invasion to tell your president, Saddam and the Islamic Fundamentalists were enemies. Invading Iraq without the Arab world behind you was just going to generate a whole bunch more terrorists… and sad to say, I was right. I would have been happy to have been wrong, but I was right.

    Saddam was evil, no doubt about it. But it was the wrong way to go about it. George HW Bush made a big mistake in not crushing Saddam in the FIRST Gulf war when he had the Arab nations backing him. But George W Bush made an even bigger mistake in invading without Arab backing.

    It just gave the Fundamentalists ammunition to recruit more young Muslims into their fanatism.

    Note: I do believe the evidence points to GWBush being a brother in Christ, but Christians do make mistakes, and Christians are tempted and do sin. GWBush has been a great asset in the domestic US fight against immorality, but his foreign policy leaves a lot to be desired. And now they want to invade Iran and make things worse?

    I pray not.

    (Note: I'm not advocating an immediate pullout from Iraq either, because that'll just make more chaos at this point.)

    God bless,

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