Mojo Monday ~ Word Wednesday

Sheri L Waddell       3 Comments on Mojo Monday ~ Word Wednesday
I really liked Julee’s sketch for Mojo Monday, so I tried it out. The only problem was I really wasn’t up to a square card. I didn’t feel like cutting one, I didn’t have an envelope for one (and I prefer to be able to use all my cards to give to someone) and I didn’t feel like making one. Pretty grumpy, eh? Well, I was doing this on the heels of a two day migraine and a week long toothache. 🙂 So, I improvised a little and this is what I came up with.

The sentiment is one of my favorite stamps from PSX – I found it on Ebay, of all places! And it fits with Creativity {unbound}’s Word Wednesday’s Challenge! WoooHoo! How cool is that? That have a lot of fun stuff going on all the time, you really should check them out!

As usual, I just threw together a little of this and a little of that. The stamps however are SU A Tree for All Seasons and the punch was Fiskars Lace punch.

3 thoughts on “Mojo Monday ~ Word Wednesday

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