I’ve been tagged!!!

Sheri L Waddell       3 Comments on I’ve been tagged!!!

Oh My!! I can hardly believe it!! I feel like I’ve just been initiated into the world of blogging!! I have been tagged. And by none other that Kim Hughes!! The wonderful, talented artist with her own line of stamps available through Cornish Heritage Farms.

Here’s what I’m supposed to do ~
• Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
• Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, we all want to know them.
• Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
• Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

So, here goes ~

1~ I have 2 cats, 1 dog and a foster cat. 🙂
2~ My immediate family (parents and siblings) live in 7 different states!
3~ I was a medic and a nurse in the Army.
4~ I have homeschooled my son for all but 1.5 years of his school career. He is in 8th grade now.
5~ I like to eat peanut butter and jelly on my pancakes.
6~ I love the smell of gun oil and carbon.
7~ I bait my own hooks when I go fishing, and I don’t complain about it.

Now, I am going to tag ~

1~ Maria of Card Inspired (her stuff is great and she is sooooo helpful!!!!)
2~ My friend and new blogger Erin with Stampin Stuff 4 U (her kids have been in my preschool classes and lived to tell!!)
3~ Sandy of It’s a Colourful World (she does amazing things for the heroes in our world!!)
4~ Lorie Ames of Live, Love, Laugh, Create (she’s just an all-around wonderful person & talented crafter)
5~ Courtney Fowler of Created by Courtney (she sponsors really great RAKs and stuff!!!)
6~ Wanda Pettijohn of My Creative Corner (who willingly shares her creative genius with us all!!!)
7~ Angel Wilde of Angelosity (she is one of the most generous people I know!!!)

If some of you have been tagged recently, I am sorry. Try to have fun with it, and know you are admired – that’s why I picked you!!!

3 thoughts on “I’ve been tagged!!!

  1. Angel

    You are so sweet! And yes, Manhattan Christian College is where my boys and daughter-in-law attend college. The boys are hoping to be youth ministers and Megan a therapist. It is a great school. Expensive, but great. 🙂

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