*I heard a story about a woman who had a dream: She was in a vast stadium filled with thousands and thousands of people. The crowd was focused on the field.
There were people bringing children out, one at a time, and they were looking for homes for them…just giving the kids away. The kids were beautiful and as each one was on display, people in the crowd vied for the child.
It happened over and over.
Then another child was brought out. But this time the child was ugly. Hideous. It was hard to look upon her face without turning away. No one stepped forward for this child. The crowd was silent. There was no tug-of-war for this child like the others.
But then, a man stepped forward. He lovingly took the child in his arms. He scooped her up like she already belonged to him.
It was Jesus.
When the dreaming woman looked closer she recognized the child and her gestures.
She stared intently and recognized  her own face.
She was the unattractive child.
I used to think the word adopted was reserved for orphans from third-world countries or the lucky kids rescued out of the foster care system.
Until Jesus came and chose me in my ugly sin. He took my orphaned spirit and became my father.
Jesus adopted me and grafted me into His family.
Adoption isn’t just a word splashed on fundraiser t-shirts or reserved for those who are following God by bringing an orphan into their home.
Adoption is a part of my story, too.
Is it a part of yours?
Knowing that according to the United Nations latest results, there are more than 160 million orphans in our world today, I would be bereft if I didn’t mention a day I’d like you to champion: Nov. 7 is Orphan Sunday. You can read about it here. Would you consider talking to your church about praying for the orphans of the world on this day?
After all, adoption is a part of all our story, isn’t it?
Why Love Orphans? from Christian Alliance for Orphans on Vimeo.
*as told by JD Greear at the Together for Adoption Conference
Adopted is a post from: We are THAT Family