Still struggling…

Sheri L Waddell       Comments Off on Still struggling…

I’ve got good news and bad-ish news. First the good news: I was mistaken when I said the authorization for the plastic surgeon was approved – but now I know it has been because his office called me to let me know it was approved. Yay! 

Not so great news: Neurology at the VA in Denver called to set me up with a over-booked appointment. The doctor I spoke to said she still doesn’t think it’s a stroke or even my epilepsy but she said I need to be evaluated sooner rather than later. I’m still having difficulty speaking at times. Originally it occurred when I was tired or stressed. Now it happens most every day and at varying times. So, we will drive to Denver next Thursday morning for a 10:30 am appointment. I will keep you updated. Thanks for all your support!!