VA visit about my speech difficulties

Sheri L Waddell       No Comments on VA visit about my speech difficulties

Regarding my speech difficulties, I saw neurology today and there were no real answers from the neurologist as far as why this is happening, although she did give me some things to try. She wants me to use the Cephaly device (that I got from the VA many years ago) as a migraine prevention rather than an abortive measure, and start magnesium, riboflavin, and melatonin (not all together).

She thinks I have been under a lot of stress on top of my insomnia and is trying to treat the insomnia and the migraines in order to decrease my stress levels. We’re still waiting for the results of the Keppra level, as well as some lab tests she’s ordering today. She is also putting in a consult for speech therapy in the Springs. I will see neurology next in January. It was the first appointment they could get me.

I admit to feeling a bit defeated and overwhelmed right now.

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