Update and Appointments

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Saw the oncologist today. Everything is going well and is where it’s expected to be (white blood cells, hemoglobin, etc). I see them again on Jan 18 for follow up labs to make sure my levels are returning to normal. I had to change my plastic surgeon’s appointment to Jan 17 because it conflicted with another appointment. So, my upcoming appointments are:
  • Tomorrow: final chemo #6 of 6 YAY
  • Sunday: injection of Neulasta for white blood cells production
  • Jan 3 : receive IV fluids for hydration
  • Jan 10: labs and hydration
  • Jan 11: Labs at the VA and Breast MRI
  • Jan 12: optician
  • Jan 17: follow up with breast surgeon and consult with plastic surgeon
  • Jan 18 : follow up with oncology
  • Jan 29: Audiology
Phew! That’s a lot going on! Thank you for all your good thoughts and prayers! And please continue to share my fundraiser. It’s pinned on this page.