Oncologist Visit – 3/25/2024

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I saw the oncologist this morning. They scheduled me for another injection 3 weeks after the one this Wednesday with labs and a doctor visit Monday of that week. Some of the labwork they drew this morning was hormone tests to see if I’m pre or post menopausal. It will decide which maintenance meds I take. Those results should be ready in a few days.

My anemia is getting better, slowly but improving. She looked at my drain sites and said they looked good. She also took the steri-strips off my incisions because they hadn’t fallen off like we thought they would and they were turning into glue.

I will be getting labwork drawn every 3 weeks until about August or September. So, I decided to leave my port in for now. I’ll get it removed before my reconstruction surgery because it will be in the surgical field (according to my breast surgeon).

She said I can go back to my old skin care routine. I’ve been using Cetaphil wash and lotion because I had eczema on my face. She said it was the chemo that dried out my skin so bad and I’m well past that. So, I’ll just finish what I have and then go back to the Oil of Olay.

And, finally, yes, I am